Yn dangos 31 i 45 o 3156 canlyniadau
Registrant data and statistics
Information on our registrants, including breakdown by profession
Education data and reports
Insight into our work in approving and monitoring programmes offered by UK education providers
Supporting professionals trained outside the UK
Guidance on how employers can support international applicants, and those who have recently registered with the HCPC
Checking your employees registration status
We encourage you to check periodically (every 3 to 6 months) that your employees remain registered
Standards for prescribing
Information for employers and manaegers of HCPC registrants on our standards for prescribing
What, when and how to refer an employee to us
If your concern about your employee raises a question about their fitness to practise, you should refer this to us
Working with us
We will notify you, your chief executive or director of human resources if we commence a fitness to practise investigation about your employee
Learning from fitness to practise process to support employees
We publish information that helps us and you to learn from our fitness to practise cases
Providing effective supervision
HCPC research on effective clinical and peer supervision in the workplace